New Zealand July arrivals at 86 pc of pre-Covid numbers

TNZ says it is targeting ‘high quality visitors’
/ New Delhi
New Zealand July arrivals at 86 pc of pre-Covid numbers

Tourism New Zealand says between April and June this year international visitors contributed USD 2.1 billion to New Zealand’s economy

After successfully hosting the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023, Tourism New Zealand says it is expecting a boost to the winter tourism season as well, with holiday arrivals for July at 86 pc of pre-Covid numbers.
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National tourism agency Tourism New Zealand (TNZ) data suggests the recently concluded FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 has provided a welcome boost over the New Zealand winter tourism season, with holiday arrivals for July at 86 pc of pre-Covid numbers.

According to TNZ, the outlook for summer is showing strong desire and connectivity out of North America and overall airline capacity sitting around 90 pc.

It adds that the board is trying to target high quality visitors for the destination. In support of that it has also launched a new content in the western markets featuring one of New Zealand’s most famous exports, well-known director Taika Waititi to attract high-quality visitors.

The statement says that after a positive summer season, it is expecting recovery as global economic pressures force consumers for a more affordable destination.

TNZ says that despite the global economic pressure, tourism contribution to the economy has been critical. Between April and June this year international visitors contributed USD 2.1 billion to New Zealand’s economy. It says that tourism provides an economic buffer and supports the country and communities as other industries feel more of an impact.

Tourism New Zealand says it is growing the contribution of visitors on the ground by shaping the visitor mix. By aiming to attract high quality visitors who travel to different regions and visit during off peak and shoulder seasons, the board says it is spreading visitation and spending out across the year.

TNZ says it is also encouraging visitors to participate in more tourism and cultural experiences, so they feel more connected to New Zealand and respect and protect our environment while they are here.

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